Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Roots before Branches before Leaves before Treehouse

Recently, I really wanted to reflect on my personal growth by really thinking deeply on the subject of where I was versus where I am today. I wanted to dissect myself with a fine-tooth comb (to use a disturbing mixed metaphor) and expose the core of me to the world and muse on it with an Aesopian eye of morality.

This is not that.

Over the past few months, I have had many major life changes; some for the best and some for the worst. I could start a long woeful rant on the negative happenings of my recent existence, but instead I will start a very brief woeful rant: a rantlet.

Relationship: Over. Music Career: Over. School: Delayed. Jobs: 3 of them.

See that wasn't so bad. Now we can move to the good stuff.

The most recent of these was the introduction of a brand new, shiny second family in the form of ComedySportz Indianapolis. If you don't know, CSz is a professional, competive improv troupe. I recently became a member of CSz and I immediately  felt like I found my place in the world. These people not only accepted me, they treated me as if I had been a member of this family all along.

Stop. Terminology Time.

It's a playing field, not a stage.
It's a match, not a show.
We're players, not actors.
Skits is not a thing. If you say skits, I will be forced to time travel to when you were a baby and trip you.

My life hasn't changed an enormous amount. I'm sure my life changes are nothing compared to a Spiderman scenario, but they are still pretty important to me.

I realized through all these changes, though, that I really needed to find a concrete place that I belonged, and after that I could grow into the fully functioning tree metaphor that I am. CSz is that concrete from which my tree metaphor shall grow, and it will be mighty. Mighty.

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