I still cry when I drop my grilled cheese sandwich on the ground, I still prefer video games to sports, and I'm still not Batman. Though we grow older, we are still the children we were. I started this blog to track my own thoughts as I leave the safe walls of college, and schooling in general, and venture off into the world of being an adult.
I knew this day would come, but I at least expected to be in the possession of a utility belt or two before it really happened. Everyone asks me if I am ready for "The Real World," but I still have no idea what that means. The problem most likely stems from my elementary school days. I never believed in the real world. I never believed in the class systems, or arbitrary rules, or bullies giving me wedgies and pushing my face into the mud, because I my mind had some prime real estate in the clouds. I created imaginary worlds that I could twist to my every whim. I refused soccer and football for time travel and mad doctors, and refused push-ups and sit-ups for superheroes and dinosaurs.
It was a shock to my system when maturity and masculinity became requirements. Suddenly not having muscles that looked like the head of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was going to keep me from ever moving up the corporate ladder. In only a few years, the Brad Pitts and Tanning Chatums ruled the jungle and the Jerry Seinfelds and Will Ferrells ran for cover. I was a dying breed.
Despite these realizations that the times were changing, I made it through to where I am today. My goal through this blog is to guide everyone willing to tag along through my past, my future, and my mind. It may get a little bumpy and quite scary at times. Those with prosthetic appendages, heart conditions (irony), or babies of any size, should take caution. We are about to unravel my life and see where I went wrong, where I went right, and why I'm still not Batman.
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